Moxi Information & Instructions


Sciton’s Moxi is the newest laser designed with everyone in mind.  This is ideal for those just starting their skincare journey, looking for polish to their complexion, and those wanting complete clearance of deep hyperpigmentation.  This is a laser that causes minor skin resurfacing without the downtime associated with more aggressive laser treatments.  This laser enhances overall skin quality, while also addressing pigmentation, sun damage, signs of aging, uneven skin tone, and texture.

Before Your Treatment

  • Use sunscreen (ask your provider which sunscreen is right for you) and physical sun protection, such as sunglasses and hats.
  • Avoid direct, extended sun exposure (i.e., beach, travel to sunny locations, sunbathing, outdoor sports) for two weeks prior to treatment.
  • Refrain from using self-tanning products two weeks prior to treatment.
  • Inform your provider if any physician has ordered Accutane for you in the last 6 months.
  • Inform your provider of any medical conditions or medications you are taking that might sensitize you to light, affect wound healing, or affect coagulation.
  • Inform your provider if you are awaiting the results of a skin cancer screening, have skin cancer, or have been diagnosed with skin cancer in the past.
  • Inform your provider if you have a history of melasma on the face.

What To Expect During Your Treatment

  • The treated area may be warm for a few hours after the treatment.  Warmth may continue for 12-24 hours after the treatment.
  • Redness is normal and expected.  Redness can persist for up to 7 days, depending on the intensity of treatment.
  • Swelling can occur and is typically expected immediately after treatment.

After Your Treatment

  • Cold compresses may provide comfort if your skin is feeling warm.  A mineral water spray might also provide some relief, and much needed moisture to the skin.  Cold compresses will also help to relieve the swelling.  To avoid further swelling, you may choose to sleep in a more upright position the first 2-3 nights after the treatment.  The first morning post treatment is when swelling is more prevalent, especially under the eyes.  Swelling may last for 2-4 days.  If an anti-viral was prescribed, continue to take as directed.  Avoid scratching and itching, as scarring and pigmentation complications can occur.
  • Use gentle cleansers.  Keep your skin moisturized.  Please ask your provider which cleanser and moisturizer is right for you and your treatment.
  • Stay out of the sun, which will allow your skin time to heal, and limit further stress on your skin.
  • MENDs (microscopic epidermal necrotic debris) will appear on the 2nd or 3rd day after treatment as tiny dark spots and a bronzed appearance to the treated skin.  MENDs are part of the healing process, where treated tissue is working its way out of your body, as new fresh skin is regenerated.  During this time, your skin will be very dry and feel like sandpaper, before flaking and peeling off.  Again, keep your skin well-moisturized and Do Not pick at your skin or exfoliate.

There is little downtime after this minimally invasive procedure.  In most cases, you are able to return to work, and resume most of your activities immediately.

Make-up can be worn 24 hours after your treatment.  Avoid strenuous exercise and sweating for at least 48 hours, use gentle patting to wipe off any sweat.  Wear a wide-brimmed hat or protective clothing for 1 month after treatment.


Cleanse the skin two times a day with plain, lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser (ask us about our cleansers).  Use your hands and fingertips to cleanse using gentle patting motions.  DO NOT rub, scrub, use an exfoliant soap or skin care brush in the treated area.  Use soft towels to dry your face.


Moisturizer should be applied generously with clean hands over treated area and re-applied whenever your skin feels dry.  DO NOT apply any other products that were not instructed by your provider – (i.e., essential oils, coconut oil, etc.)  Please ask us what moisturizer is right for you.


Sunscreen is a MUST and should be used daily beginning the day after treatment and used consistently for up to 3 months post-procedure and beyond.  Use a physical sunscreen with broadband UVA and UVB protection and a SPF of at least 50.  We recommend the SunBetter Mineral SPF Lotions by SkinBetter and sell them in-office, for your convenience.  Please be sure to always re-apply sunscreen during sun exposure.


Your pre- and post-treatment skincare routine is just as important as the treatment you are receiving.  Please discuss your at-home regimen with us, so that we can confirm what is right for your skin, and give you recommendations that will enhance and maintain results, help with anti-aging, and improve the quality of your skin.